Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Destiny

Sita Ram marriage is the best example of Destiny . Goswamiji writes that King Janak was very nervous when nobody could break the Bow….He lamented...
.A lovely bride, a grand triumph and splendid renown are the prize; but Brahm.,
it seems, has not yet created the man who may break the bow and win the above
rewards.. .Tell me, who would not have this prize? But none could string the bow. Let alone
stringing or breaking it, there was not one of you, brothers, who could stir it even a grain.s
breadth from its place. Now no one who prides on his valour should feel offended if I assert
that there is no hero left on earth to my mind. Give up all hope and turn your faces
homewards. It is not the will of Providence that Sita. should be married. All my religious
merits shall be gone if I abandon my vow. The princess must remain a maid; what can I
do? Had I known, brothers, that there are no more heroes in the world, I would not have
made myself a laughing-stock by undertaking such a vow.. All who heared Janaka.s
words, men and women alike, felt distressed at the sight of Janak. Lakshna, however
got incensed: his eyebrows were knit, his lips quivered and his eyes shot fire. For fear of rama he could not speak, though Janaka.s words pierced his heart
like an arrow; yet at last, bowing his head at rama.s lotus-feet he spoke words which
were impregnated with truth: As Lakshmana spoke these angry words, the earth shook and the elephants
supporting the quarters tottered. The whole assembly, including all the princes, was
struck with terror;sita. felt delighted at heart, while Janaka blushed. The preceptor
(Vishwamitra), the Lord of Raghus and all the hermits were glad of heart and thrilled all
over again and again. With a sign rama checked Lakshmana and made him sit
beside Him. Perceiving that it was a propitious time, Vishwamitra said in most endearing
terms, .Up, Rama, break the bow of shiva and relieve Janaka, my boy, of his anguish..
On hearing the Guru.s words rama bowed His head at his feet; there was no joy or
sorrow in His heart. He stood up in all His native grace, putting to shame a young lion
by His elegant carriage. As the Chief of the Raghus rose on His elevated seat like the morning sun
appearing in the eastern horizon, all the saints were delighted like so many lotuses and
their eyes were glad as bees at the return of day. Rama found Videha.s Daughter greatly agitated; every moment that passed hung on
Her as a whole life-time of the universe. If a thirsty man dies for want of water, of what
avail is a lake of nectar to him once he is dead. What good is a shower when the whole
crop is dried up; what use repenting over an opportunity lost? Thinking thus within
Himself the Lord looked at Janaka.s Daughter and thrilled all over to perceive Her
singular devotion. He inwardly made obeisance to His preceptor (Vishwamitra), and took
up the bow with great agility. The bow gleamed like a flash of lightning as He grasped
it in His hand. And then it appeared like a circle in the sky. No one knew when He took
it in His hands, strung it and drew it tight; everyone only saw Him standing (with the bow
drawn). Instantly rama broke the bow in halves; the awful crash resounded through
all the spheres. In the midst of Her companions Sita. shone as a personification of supreme beauty
among other embodiments of beauty. She held in one of Her lotus hands the fair wreath
of victory, resplendent with the glory of triumph over the whole universe. While Her body
shrank with modesty, Her heart was full of rapture; Her hidden love could not be
perceived by others. As She drew near and beheld rama.s beauty, Princess Sita.
stood motionless as a portrait. A clever companion, who perceived Her in this condition,
exhorted Her saying,. Invest the bridegroom with the beautiful wreath of victory.. At this
She raised the wreath with both of Her hands, but was too overwhelmed with emotion
to garland Him. In this act Her uplifted hands shone as if a pair of lotuses with their stalks
were timidly investing the moon with a wreath of victory. At this charming sight Her
companions broke into a song, while Sita. placed the wreath of victory round rama.s
neck so as to adorn His breast.

Male for Sale

Mahabharat war was over . Gandhari , wife of Dhratrashtra and mother of slain Duryodhana was weeping . Suddenly she raised her eyes to Krsn and pointing towards Arjun she cursed…Man I shall not spare you and you will certainly have to suffer . Trembling with fear of a mother Arjun lost in despondency . He saw in day dream as He was a happy married man with his wife and a child . The death snatched his wife and the child was orphan . His friends advised to marry again to look after his child . An woman with a good earning was ready to marry . Both husband and wife were busy with their jobs and were quite happy with the handsome amount they earned . One day one of the woman’s friend asked the lady , madam who looks after your child ? My child , but I have no any, replied the woman .Oh I meant your husband’s child , asked the friend . No problem my pet is there to look after . But that is a Dog I know . No that is a cat , the woman replied and laughed .The man heard and lamented…O god ..Am I married or sold ? And it was Arjun ,who was awake now , but for nothing except mourning for his dead son Abhimanyu .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Three good threads are being discussed here….1.Almighty/.Brahma/jeeva satya [ true ] , prakrati/jagat mithya [ false ]2.Austerity/tapa VS yoga , which is superior3. Krsns opinionIn the childhood , mother shows the child pointing towards the moon , see an old woman is making cloth beneath the banyan tree , this proved wrong as there was no prakriti/jagat at moon but the man/jeeva was true there, similarly as mirage is not true but sun rays are true .Definition of tapa is as follows..Austerity is conduciveto joy and puts an end to sorrow and evils. By virtue of penance the Creator creats theuniverse. By virtue of penance vishnu protects the whole world. By virtue of penance shambhubrings about dissolution. In fact, the entire creation rests on penance.Bearing this in mind, go and practise austerity .Now Krsn tells about tapa and yoga…Ye twaksharamanirdeshyamavyaktam paryupaasate;Sarvatragamachintyam cha kootasthamachalam dhruvam.Those who worship the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifested, the omnipresent,the unthinkable, the eternal and the immovable,Samniyamyendriyagraamam sarvatra samabuddhayah;Te praapnuvanti maameva sarvabhootahite rataah.Having restrained all the senses, even-minded everywhere, intent on the welfare of allbeings—verily they also come unto Me.Klesho’dhikatarasteshaam avyaktaasaktachetasaam;Avyaktaa hi gatirduhkham dehavadbhiravaapyate.Greater is their trouble whose minds are set on the Unmanifested; for the goal—theUnmanifested—is very difficult for the embodied to reach.The embodied—those who identify themselves with their bodies. Theimperishable Self is very hard to reach for those who are attached to their bodies. Their restlessminds will not be able to get fixed on the attributeless Self.This is tapa and…..Ye tu sarvaani karmaani mayi sannyasya matparaah;Ananyenaiva yogena maam dhyaayanta upaasate.But to those who worship Me, renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supremegoal, meditating on Me with single-minded YogaThis is yoga .So what is the realty…..Shreyaan dravyamayaadyajnaaj jnaanayajnah parantapa;Sarvam karmaakhilam paartha jnaane parisamaapyate.Superior is wisdom-sacrifice to sacrifice with objects, O Parantapa! All actions in theirentirety, O Arjuna, culminate in knowledge!Adhyeshyate cha ya imam dharmyam samvaadamaavayoh;Jnaanayajnena tenaaham ishtah syaamiti me matih.And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him I shall have been worshippedby the sacrifice of wisdom; such is My conviction [ not opinion ]Mayyaaveshya mano ye maam nityayuktaa upaasate;Shraddhayaa parayopetaaste me yuktatamaa mataah.The Blessed Lord said:. Those who, fixing their minds on Me, worship Me, ever steadfast and endowed withsupreme faith, these are the best in Yoga in My opinion.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Liberation [ Moksha ] is the word everybody has the right to achieve . Nature , animal world and lastly the human has the right for liberation . All scriptural material suggests to follow them with open eyes and ears and thus applying full consciousness .Old Vedas say…Nakam nam nityaniratishayanamokshaparamapadaksharpardhamadishabdvachynakakhyavakunthalokam . This says that without harming anybody including nature or environment and living entities , one feels pleasure experiencing the Almighty in himself , is Liberated in real sense .Krsn in gita says…Yatendriya manobuddhir munir mokshaparaayanah;
Vigatecchaabhaya krodho yah sadaa mukta eva sah.
With the senses, the mind and the intellect always controlled, having liberation as his
supreme goal, free from desire, fear and anger—the sage is verily liberated for ever.
Once sage Narda asked to Sanatakumars , to preach him about the Almighty and Moksha . Sanatakumars told that these scriptures including Vedas are the matter of tongue , these if not well understood may not lead to proper meaning , therefore the absolute truth is not knowing I am brahma , but to realize the Brahma in oneself and that is real pleasure [ Moksha ] .There is a Vedmantra saying that if somebody does not feel the fear of Almighty in himself has nothing to do with scriptures , may be Vedas too and is never liberated .
Yastanna ved kimracha karishyati . rig. 1/164/39

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Consciousness

Consciousness is knowing the things as they are viz. Any living creature can not live without food , there ever and never technology can prove it wrong .All living entities except human possess the consciousness , but the human has to cultivate it . The oldest old scriptures are Vedas which narrate the life style . To utilize these Vedas knowledge in utmost proper sense is consciousness of life . Goswamiji has taken the cows described in Vedas as Earth , he describes the demons as those who pollute the environment……The terrible outrages the demons did beggar description. There is no limit to the
evil-doings of those who hold violence most dear to their heart. The number of villains, thieves and gamblers and of those who coveted others.
wealth and wives swelled to a great extent. People honoured not their parents and gods
and exacted service from pious souls. Those who act in this way, know all
such creatures as demons. Perceiving the supreme disrespect for religion Earth was
extremely alarmed and perturbed. .The weight of mountains, rivers and oceans,. she
said to herself, .is not so oppressive to me as of him who is malevolent to others.. She
saw all goodness perverted; yet for fear of demons she could not utter a word. After great
deliberation she took the form of a cow and went to the spot where all gods and sages
were in hiding. With tears in her eyes she told them her sufferings; but none of them
could be of any help to her.
Vedas say , Aum krato smar, klibe smar , kratam smar . Krsn tells Arjuna that the real meaning of these words is to be understood and those who don’t know they are of less intelligence . Yaam imaam pushpitaam vaacham pravadantyavipashchitah;
Vedavaadarataah paartha naanyad asteeti vaadinah.
Flowery speech is uttered by the unwise, who take pleasure in the eulogising words of
the Vedas, O Arjuna, saying: “There is nothing else!”. Also the question of Arjun as Na chaitad vidmah kataran no gareeyo
Yadwaa jayema yadi vaa no jayeyuh;
Yaan eva hatwaa na jijeevishaamas
Te’vasthitaah pramukhe dhaartaraashtraah.
I can hardly tell which will be better: that we should conquer them or they should conquer
us. Even the sons of Dhritarashtra, after slaying whom we do not wish to live, stand facing us , is answered as consciousness by Krsn .He says that controlling the senses by mind with help of steady wisdom make the victory over lust , anger and covetousness .
The lust is generated by the age up to 25 which is for Krato smar or for creation . The anger is generated up to age of 50 which is for Klibe smar or performing the noble duties . The last is covetousness which is generated by the age up to 75 and which is for Kratam smar or knowing about the entire life span . These all are from the consciousness of super soul and not by the individual soul , as Krsn says….Teshaam evaanukampaartham aham ajnaanajam tamah;
Naashayaamyaatmabhaavastho jnaanadeepena bhaaswataa.
Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their Self, destroy the darkness
born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of knowledge.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gita gyan/Gita gist

Gita is essence of Vedas and contains teaching of contentment ,1st point of contentment , Almighty being the one for all .so Who is other than that Almighty to be worshipped ?Kasmai devay havisha vidhem…rigveda .Tameva sharanam gaccha sarvabhaavena bhaarata;Tatprasaadaatparaam shaantim sthaanam praapsyasi shaashwatam... Gita .Fly unto Him for refuge with all thy being, O Arjuna! By His Grace thou shalt obtainsupreme peace and the eternal abode.

The second point of contentment is duty .Thus Gita contains two points which are 1. knower 2. doer .Vedas tell of two teachings 1. vidya 2. avidya . Krsn in gita tells these two points as Gyan and Karm .Knowledge or gyan is knowing the Parmatma or is spirituality . It is also called vidya . Only human is supposed to have it.Duty or karm is knowing the physical world or scientific knowledge and this is also called avidya .vedas are in strange language as described in mahabharat , vichitra bhasa vititam , therefore its translation was very difficult . Rishi translated these and the essence is in forn of Gita .Now gita tells about gyan...Adhyaatma jnaana nityatwam tattwa jnaanaartha darshanam;Etajjnaanamiti proktam ajnaanam yadato’nyathaa.Constancy in Self-knowledge, perception of the end of true knowledge—this is declaredto be knowledge, and what is opposed to it is ignorance.

Again gita tells about karm...Tyaktwaa karmaphalaasangam nityatripto niraashrayah;Karmanyabhipravritto’pi naiva kinchit karoti sah.Having abandoned attachment to the fruit of the action, ever content, depending onnothing, he does not do anything though engaged in activity.Also gita tells that no person can sit idle ......Niyatam kuru karma twam karma jyaayo hyakarmanah;Shareerayaatraapi cha te na prasiddhyed akarmanah.Do thou perform thy bounden duty, for action is superior to inaction and even themaintenance of the body would not be possible for thee by inaction.

Now come to spirituality, Brahma satyam jaganmithya and this oneness or this Advaita is called Bhuma , yo vai bhuma tat sukham nalpe sukhmasti . So the gyan is in oneness of parmatma and that is the real pleasure .So says gita…Bahoonaam janmanaamante jnaanavaanmaam prapadyate;Vaasudevah sarvamiti sa mahaatmaa sudurlabhah.At the end of many births the wise man comes to Me, realising that all this is Vasudeva(the innermost Self); such a great soul (Mahatma) is very hard to find.Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate;Iti matwaa bhajante maam budhaa bhaavasamanvitaah.I am the source of all; from Me everything evolves; understanding thus, the wise,endowed with meditation, worship Me.Macchittaa madgatapraanaa bodhayantah parasparam;Kathayantashcha maam nityam tushyanti cha ramanti cha.With their minds and lives entirely absorbed in Me, enlightening each other and alwaysspeaking of Me, they are satisfied and delighted.Teshaam satatayuktaanaam bhajataam preetipoorvakam;Dadaami buddhiyogam tam yena maamupayaanti te.To them who are ever steadfast, worshipping Me with love, I give the Yoga ofdiscrimination by which they come to Me.The devotees who have dedicated themselves to the Lord, who are everharmonious and self-abiding, who adore Him with intense love, who are ever devout, obtain theDivine Grace.Teshaam evaanukampaartham aham ajnaanajam tamah;Naashayaamyaatmabhaavastho jnaanadeepena bhaaswataa.Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their Self, destroy the darknessborn of ignorance by the luminous lamp of knowledge.

Again we discuss karm or duty, gita says….Eeshwarah sarvabhootaanaam hriddeshe’rjuna tishthati;Bhraamayan sarvabhootaani yantraaroodhaani maayayaa.The Lord dwells in the hearts of all beings, O Arjuna, causing all beings, by His illusivepower, to revolve as if mounted on a machine!When parmatma is sitting inside then why to go for perishable fruits of work…Ye hi samsparshajaa bhogaa duhkhayonaya eva te;Aadyantavantah kaunteya na teshu ramate budhah.The enjoyments that are born of contacts are generators of pain only, for they have abeginning and an end, O Arjuna! The wise do not rejoice in them.Therefore it is better to go for devotion of god rather to go for fruits of action .Bhaktyaa maamabhijaanaati yaavaanyashchaasmi tattwatah;Tato maam tattwato jnaatwaa vishate tadanantaram.By devotion he knows Me in truth, what and who I am; and knowing Me in truth, heforthwith enters into the Supreme.The devotion is successful when the mind or Mann is in control, Vedas say , tanme manah shivsankalmastu . gita says..Jitaatmanah prashaantasya paramaatmaa samaahitah;Sheetoshna sukha duhkheshu tathaa maanaapamaanayoh.The Supreme Self of him who is self-controlled and peaceful is balanced in cold and heat,pleasure and pain, as also in honour and dishonour.Jnaana vijnaana triptaatmaa kootastho vijitendriyah;Yuktah ityuchyate yogee samaloshtaashmakaanchanah.The Yogi who is satisfied with the knowledge and the wisdom (of the Self), who hasconquered the senses, and to whom a clod of earth, a piece of stone and gold are the same, is said tobe harmonised (that is, is said to have attained the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi).One can see god even by this devotion or bhakti .therefore this is the real GITAGYAN .Naa ham vedairna tapasaa na daanena na chejyayaa;Shakya evamvidho drashtum drishtavaanasi maam yathaa.Neither by the Vedas, nor by austerity, nor by gift, nor by sacrifice, can I be seen in thisform as thou hast seen Me (so easily).Bhaktyaa twananyayaa shakyam aham evamvidho’rjuna;Jnaatum drashtum cha tattwena praveshtum cha parantapa.But by single-minded devotion can I, of this form, be known and seen in reality and alsoentered into, O Arjuna!