The soul being Brahman there is no question to merge with Brahman . Therefore I too have never come across with the idea of moksha being such as to be liberated for ever .Vedas call many of demigods to drink somrasa , so how anybody can say them to be liberated ? There is another word : jeevanmukta : but it is not moksha . Krsn says : na nivartante : means jeevanmukta . Gita shloka Eehante kaamabhogaartha 12/16 does not talk of moksha , Arth dharma kamadik bhoga , here ramcharitmanas also does not talk of moksha . Can a sun ray go back to sun ? NO .Can a fire flame come back to wood ? NO . Can a drop of sea water evaporated and drawn to a distance come back ? NO .Can an inhaling air be again taken ? NO . There is no moksha and the soul will have to bear all results of all deeds performed here in the earth , be it this life or other . Therefore never be engaged to bad deeds the Antaratma[ inner pious soul ] does not allow OR suffer .Swamiji laughed .The shop keeper said that the dog is very stupid and always tries to sit near the cash chest therefore I hit him . Swamiji told the shop keeper , gentleman this is your father who died two years back . Oh , but it is empty the man replied . Swamiji was stunned to note , thank god ,me is stupid and not the dog . Veda says…Vishnu karmani pashyash , see the strange nature, as the Performer .most often, in this world that we live, we are all more focused on who the other person is than trying to understand who I am. Often we are judgmental about any and every one around us - without even bothering about our own qualification to sit on judgment! Therefore Say good bye to moksha and be a noble human being . ino viśvasya bhuvanasya ghopāḥ sa mā dhīraḥ pākamatrā viveśa || 21/164/1mndlm
There is the Universe's mighty Keeper, who, wise, hath entered into me the simple.
tasyedāhuḥ pippalaṃ svādvaghre tan non naśad yaḥpitaraṃ na veda || 22/164/1mndlm
Upon its top they say the fig is luscious: none gaineth it who knoweth not the Father.
suparṇaṃ viprāḥ kavayo vacobhirekaṃ santaṃ bahudhākalpayanti |5/114/10mndlm
Him with fair wings though only One in nature, wise singers shape, with songs, in many figures….
If somebody tries to learn , this devotion , is the concept of jeeva being the part of parmatma , but not the parmatma and hence attaining the moksha . .
There is the Universe's mighty Keeper, who, wise, hath entered into me the simple.
tasyedāhuḥ pippalaṃ svādvaghre tan non naśad yaḥpitaraṃ na veda || 22/164/1mndlm
Upon its top they say the fig is luscious: none gaineth it who knoweth not the Father.
suparṇaṃ viprāḥ kavayo vacobhirekaṃ santaṃ bahudhākalpayanti |5/114/10mndlm
Him with fair wings though only One in nature, wise singers shape, with songs, in many figures….
If somebody tries to learn , this devotion , is the concept of jeeva being the part of parmatma , but not the parmatma and hence attaining the moksha . .