Thursday, June 14, 2012

Still you are a rat if you win a rat race . nearly 20 generations have gone searching for the pleasures of life by the science . think how many of us get the benefits , 30% or less . from earth to moon , cart to car and plane to aero plane and nothing more . a child of rich person gets the benefit which the poor does not get with much efforts . there is a gap which was not 2000 yrs before .means the gain is zero . vedas could tell which the Vedanta differs not Aadityavarnam tamasah parastaat.gita 9/8ch . vedaham purusham mahantam adityavarnam tamasah parastat..rig , we ever tried to know more ? animal is different just by having 6% less brain than ours . who cares . rishi kauts was served food in earthen pots at king raghu’s palace . when leaving raghu asked : rishi tell the purpose of coming pl . rishi did not but the king gave him gold coins . money matters never . the body will be left as soil only , go and find the real cause of human-body . it is the soul and as different as vedastra the ramcharitmanas .brahman needs not to bother ,parmatma may make some sense but be the devotee of bhagwan the human form you possess . sarve bhavantu sukhinah .
Universe is working , why ? this is the stupid philosophy . A gentleman may very well understand to think on the logic of how the universe is working . If one goes thru the working of creatures he will find the male enjoying all the time . This is the nature which forces the female to find a male partner . Even science does not know why then the labour pain comes . If we go thru mahabharat it was the death penalty for pandu if he wished to enjoy his wife . Can not be it possible with each male to suffer if he wishes to mix with a female ? All crimes on females will come to an end if such penalty by nature enforces , but not ,why , because the god is a male . The selfishness in male is no wonder . He knows , those whose ignorance is destroyed by knowledge of the Self 16/5 ch gita . He keeps the female thinking, through me alone all brew 4/125/10 rig , on the world's summit I bring forth the father 7/125/10 rig . The male exploits the female with the quotes as per oldest scriptures , female bares a score of children at a birth. 23/86/10 rig , wives bind us close.47/85/10 rig etc .
When there is a compassion in mind ,scriptures are spoken . In the ST also a situation arises therefore it is the time for the scripture to be spoken [ LOL ] .
Valmiki ramayan was spoken in the time of compassion , Ma nishad pratishtham twamgamah shashvatih samah 1/2/15/ valmiki ramayan . Similarly gita was also spoken on the time of compassion , Kripayaa parayaa’vishto visheedannidam abraveet; 28/1/ gita
This situation arises from vedamantra , yajñaṃ pṛchāmyavamaṃ sa tad dūto vi vocati |
kva ṛtaṃ pūrvyaṃ ghataṃ kastad bibharti nūtano vi... ||4/115/1mndlm rig
I ask the last of compassion. As envoy he shall tell it forth.
Where is the ancient law divine? Who is its new diffuser now? Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.
So gentlemen ,scriptures do not open the war ground but guide to make the best of compassion .
The supreme soul exists which leads the super souls to come and speak and we call them god , rishis or the great humans .
jaba jaba hoi dharama kai hani, barhahin asura adhama abhimani.
karahin aniti jai nahin barani, sidahin vipra dhenu sura dharani.
taba taba prabhu dhari vividha sarira, harahin kripanidhi sajjana pira. Balkanda ramcharitmanas
In my humble opinion this blog is addressed to all those , athato murti jigyasa , who want to know more and argue about the IDOL WORSHIP .
Ekam santam bahudha kalpayanti , 5/114/10mndlm rig , the truth of that brahman is imagined in different forms and nasti tasya pratima . Suppose the temperature goes to 50 degree celsius and mirage is seen , an ignorant , deceitful and hypocrite may think to illusion but there is water contained in sun rays if a scientist sees ,so to be more clear we may say ajaymano bahudha vijayate 19/31 yaj .
This is the main concept for idol worship to concentrate on different forms of gods accepted in different sects. 1st sukta 2nd mndlm and 3rd mantra of rigveda supports the idol worship as….
tvamaghna indro vṛṣabhaḥ satāmasi tvaṃ viṣṇururughāyo namasyaḥ |
tvaṃ brahmā rayivid brahmaṇas pate tvaṃ vidhartaḥsacase purandhyā ||
O parmatman , you are agni you are Indra, thou art Viṣṇu ,you are rudra of the mighty stride, adorable:
Thou, Brahmaṇaspati, the Brahman finding wealth: thou, O sustainer, with thy wisdom tendest us.
Vedastra- ABC
Arjuna said: 'Oh my King yudhishter, the Personality of Godhead Hari who treated me like His intimate friend has left me. Now I am bereft of the astounding power that even astonished the gods. I lost Him from whom being separated but for a moment all universes appear unfavorable and void of all life, like they are all dead bodies. By the strength of His mercy I could vanquish all the princes who lusted for power during the selection of the bridegroom at King Drupada's palace where I gained Draupadi's hand by piercing the fish-target with my bow. Because of His support I was able to defeat Indra and his godly associates, I managed to enable the god of fire to set ablaze his forest, and we could realize our wonderfully decorated assembly house built by Maya [out of gratitude for saving him from that fire in the forest named Khandava] where all the princes assembled to your honor bringing presents collected from everywhere. Under His influence our younger brother [Bhima], who has the strength of a thousand elephants, for the sake of the [rajasuya] sacrifice managed to kill him [Jarasandha] who was worshiped by many a king. It was He who saved the kings who by Jarasandha had been brought [to his capital] to be sacrificed to the lord of the ghosts [Mahabhairava]. They all paid you tribute afterwards. He [in turn] took the life of the husbands of the wives [of the Kurus] whose hair was condemned to be loosened because of the fact that the cluster of your wife's [Draupadi's] hair had been loosened, which was beautifully dressed and blessed for the great ceremony. Being caught by the miscreants [the Kurus headed by Duhshasana] she in tears fell down at the Feet. He protected us when we ran into trouble, being endangered in the forest by the intrigue of our enemies in association with Durvasa Muni who arrived there to eat with his ten thousand disciples. By simply before they came to it accepting the remnants of the food, He satisfied the three worlds as well as the munis who at the moment were bathing, by giving them the thought that they had been fed already. Under His influence I once could astonish the Personality of God with the Trident [Lord S'iva] and his wife the daughter of the Himalaya, because of which he and other gods rewarded me with their own weapons. And thus I living in this body succeeded to obtain a half-elevated seat in the House of Indra. As a guest of that heaven I could with both my arms, with my bow Gandiva, Indra and all the gods, because of being empowered by Him, the Supreme Personality whom at present I am bereft of, kill the demon Nivatakavaca oh descendant of King Ajamidha. Because of His friendship alone I, seated on the chariot, could cross the insurmountable ocean of the invincible existence of the military strength of the Kauravas, and thanks alone to His friendship, I could return with the enormous wealth of the enemy; the brilliance of all the jewels I by force took from their heads. It was He who by the power of His glance ended the mental agitation that sprouted from the motivation for results of all the fighters who with the wealth of their chariots were positioned on the battlefield oh great King, and from whose ranks I stepped forward with before my eyes the immensity of great royal personalities like Bhishma, Karna, Drona and Salya. Under His protection the very powerful invincible weapons wielded by Drona, Bhishma, Karna, Bhurisrava, King Susarma, Salya, King Jayadratha, Bahlika [a brother of Bhishma] etc., could not touch me, just like when Prahlada [the famous devotee of Nrisimhadev, the lion-incarnation] was threatened by the demons. Thinking erroneously of Him as being only my chariot driver He to whose feet the intelligent ones for the sake of salvation render service delivered me. By His mercy my enemies were absentminded and did not attack me when I alighted for my thirsty horses. With His smiling face He made jokes and being frank with me He addressed me with 'son of Pritha, friend and son of the Kuru dynasty and such; heartfelt sayings of my Madhava [Krishna] that touch and overwhelm my soul as I remember them. When we were sleeping, sitting, walking and dining together and truthfully confronted each other and so on, I took Him by mistake for a friend just like me, while He, despite of my seeing Him lower in my offenses, tolerated me in the glory of His magnanimity the way a friend accepts a friend or a father accepts his child. Oh Emperor, without the Supreme Personality, my dear most friend and well-wisher, my heart and soul are vacant. Recently I, just like a weak woman, was defeated by infidel cowherds while I was protecting Krishna's wives. Having the same bow, arrows, chariot and horses, and being the same Arjuna and chariot fighter to whom all the kings offered their respects, all of this in a single moment, with me missing Him, has become as useless as butter offered to ashes, as money obtained by magic or as seeds sown on barren land....bhagvatam
If you do not know the concept of creation , never misinterpret it . working for the welfare of human is social work ,never mix it with the religion . if you do not know the real direction do not tell the wrong direction to others . exploiting the emotions for selfishness is a Sin ,never do it , otherwise you will certainly have to suffer. He sees you .
Not sure if you perform the karma , the result will come as you wanted but be sure that it will certainly come as HE wanted .He is the super power common for all , you feel it . never try to explain him , you may be wrong .
Into a blind darkness they enter who are devoted to ignorance ,
but into a greater darkness they enter who engage in
knowledge of a imagined deity alone.
Into a blind darkness they enter who worship only the Un manifested nature ; but into a greater darkness they enterwho worship the manifested assumed power of nature. Isha Upanishad says .starting from the very beginning Vedas told the existence of the Brahman as kam Brahman , kham brahman , the non –dual reality . Upanishads tried to explain ,Gita concise it .
science has verified the concept of ice-age with the observation of coriolis effect that water moving in clockwise and anti clockwise direction at equator will give rise to high speed winds with water at a height of freezing point making the whole world under ice excepting the Himalaya mountain .
next manu emerges at India , be confident .
keep hold the vedic sanatan dharma , you are an Arya , not outsider but Indian very well .

Jameen se jahan aasman mil raha hai , a beautiful goal to be attended .Similar is a case with thoughts . Where there is no outcome as life is philosophy or gyan , and if it is a material achievement , we call it as vigyan . life can have a span of 100yrs but what after that ? If there is some lesson as achievement for next to come or experience of the past, it is devotion .

Think of these days where people are living in the moderate field of technology but still some are there who have not seen the clothes , the variety of foods and gadgets for life facilities . So what do you think about a period 10000 BC ? The thoughts written in Vedas contain the high philosophy and vigyan too , but the outcome is uncertain hence stand up and think of the absolute where jameen se jahan aasman mil raha hai but not for Those who strive for liberation from old age and death, taking refuge in god, and realize in full that Brahman, the whole knowledge of the Self and all action , But for those men of virtuous deeds whose sins have come to an end, and who are freed
from the delusion of the pairs of opposites, worship god, steadfast in their vows.…gita.
Not each but some souls come in body with the combination of mind ,budhi and all senses acts performed in previous life and the chetan power of god too , but know ABOUT ,
Happens that which is to be happen and not the otherwise .therefore try and use your gyan to all limits of devotion . Nothing can change it but the feeling of devotion to god makes you feel lighter and optimistic .
He is there you can feel but do not go for knowing , what is he ? gita says.. Fixing thy mind on god, thou shalt by his Grace overcome all obstacles; but if from
egoism thou wilt not hear him, thou shalt perish.
Because you are in the pot, destructible and HE is in the earth un destructible .
Ma gradhah , everything will be left here , see the truth , it is different when eyes are open but different when the eyes are closed .
Kar bhala to ho bhala, pray or don’t pray , but believe on Vedas , What time they bear before the Courser, covered with trappings and with wealth, the grasped oblation,
The dappled goat [ the jeeva ] goeth straightforward, bleating, to the place dear to Indra and to Pūṣan ,the devas .2/162/1mndlm rigveda