Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number.
Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortals.
chatvāri śhṛṅghā trayo asya pādā dve śīrṣe sapta hastāso asya |
tridhā baddho vṛaṣhabho roravīti maho devo martyāṃ ā viveśa || 3/58/4 rig
अग्नि रूपी आत्मा को सान्ड रूपी शरीर में कल्पित करने पर चित् , अहंकार, मन, बुद्धि इसके चार सींग हैं।
भूत, वर्तमान और भविष्य इसके तीन पैर हैं। विद्या और अविद्या दो सिर हैं। पॉंचज्ञानेन्द्रियॉं तथा उपासना एवं ज्ञान सात हाथ हैं।
सत्वगुण, रजगुण और तमगुण तीन पाशों से यह बॅंधा हुआ है। यह अत्यन्त बलशाली है .
Indriyaani paraanyaahur indriyebhyah param manah;
Manasastu paraa buddhir yo buddheh paratastu sah.
They say that the senses are superior (to the body); superior to the senses is the mind;
superior to the mind is the intellect; and one who is superior even to the intellect is He—the Self.
Evam buddheh param buddhwaa samstabhyaatmaanam aatmanaa;
Jahi shatrum mahaabaaho kaamaroopam duraasadam. 42,43/3 ch gita
Thus, knowing Him who is superior to the intellect and restraining the self by the Self,
slay thou, O mighty-armed Arjuna, the enemy in the form of desire, hard to conquer!
Restrain the lower self by the higher Self. Subdue the lower mind by
the higher mind. It is difficult to conquer desire because it is of a highly complex and
incomprehensible nature. But a man of discrimination and dispassion, who does constant and
intense devotion, can conquer it quite easily.
Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortals.
chatvāri śhṛṅghā trayo asya pādā dve śīrṣe sapta hastāso asya |
tridhā baddho vṛaṣhabho roravīti maho devo martyāṃ ā viveśa || 3/58/4 rig
अग्नि रूपी आत्मा को सान्ड रूपी शरीर में कल्पित करने पर चित् , अहंकार, मन, बुद्धि इसके चार सींग हैं।
भूत, वर्तमान और भविष्य इसके तीन पैर हैं। विद्या और अविद्या दो सिर हैं। पॉंचज्ञानेन्द्रियॉं तथा उपासना एवं ज्ञान सात हाथ हैं।
सत्वगुण, रजगुण और तमगुण तीन पाशों से यह बॅंधा हुआ है। यह अत्यन्त बलशाली है .
Indriyaani paraanyaahur indriyebhyah param manah;
Manasastu paraa buddhir yo buddheh paratastu sah.
They say that the senses are superior (to the body); superior to the senses is the mind;
superior to the mind is the intellect; and one who is superior even to the intellect is He—the Self.
Evam buddheh param buddhwaa samstabhyaatmaanam aatmanaa;
Jahi shatrum mahaabaaho kaamaroopam duraasadam. 42,43/3 ch gita
Thus, knowing Him who is superior to the intellect and restraining the self by the Self,
slay thou, O mighty-armed Arjuna, the enemy in the form of desire, hard to conquer!
Restrain the lower self by the higher Self. Subdue the lower mind by
the higher mind. It is difficult to conquer desire because it is of a highly complex and
incomprehensible nature. But a man of discrimination and dispassion, who does constant and
intense devotion, can conquer it quite easily.