Friday, March 5, 2010


Contentment is the basic mantra , every hindu scripture teaches .Female is said the main contributing member of the family , who makes the balance and finally the contentment . King Dasharath fell in wrong hands of Kekayee and Ram went to forests . Laxman was scolded in vain and finally Sitaharan happened and led to Ram Ravana war , taking enormous lives .It was Draupadi who insulted Duryodhan and the Mahabharat war was the result .This is not a proverb ,but the reality , THE lady and the grass of neighbourhood looks pleasant .The lady in neighbourhood is always kind to the every member of the family in side , but if taken for her own family ,she will always be frustrated , frustration for luxuries , frustration for many factors totally unwanted for usual living .Similarly the member making best effort for his own lawn will never see his effort positive and will compare as inferior to side one .The whole matter sums to frustration and finally lack of contentment .

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