Meedhushtam shivatam shivo nah sumana bhava .parmevrakshaaudham nidhaykratim vasaanachar pinakam bibhrada gahi .51.O lord rudra, Most bounteous, most auspicious, be auspicious, cool , well inclinedto us.On some remotest tree lay down thy weapon. and clad inrobe of skin approach, bearing thy bow come hitherward.
Vikiridra vilohit Namaste astu bhagavah . yaste sahastramhetayoanyamasmanni vapantu tah .52.O Wound averter, purple-hued, to thee be homage, holy Lord!May all those thousand darts of thine strike dead anotherone than us.
Sahastrani sahatraso bahotshav hetayah . tasamishano bhagavah parachina mukhah krishi .53.Thousands of thousands are the shafts, swords, the missiles readyin thy hands:Thou holy Lord, who hast the power, turn thou theirpoints away from us.
Asankhyata sahastrani ye rudraadhi bhumyam . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi. 54.O great lord keep your all small rudras from us away with arrows and bows in the earth .
Asmin mahatyarnaveantarikshe bhava adhi . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .55.O rudra, there are above us in this mighty billowy sea of air,Of all of these do we unbend .keep away all with bows and arrows .
Neelgravah shitkantha divam rudraupshritah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .56.Rudras are dwelling in the sky, whose necks are blue, whosethroats are white:Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Neelgravah shitkanthah sharvaadh kshamacharah .tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .57Sarvas haunt realms beneath the earth—their necks are blue,their throats are white:Of these, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye vraksheshu shashpinjara neelgreeva vilohitah . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .58.These, green like young grass, in the trees, with azure necksand purple hue,Of those, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye bhutanamdhipatayo vishikhashah kapardinah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .59.Those, ministering spirits’ lords, with no hair-tufts, withbraided locks,Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye patham pathirakshayelbradaayuryudhah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .60.Those, the protectors of the paths, bringers of food, whofight for life. Of these, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Vikiridra vilohit Namaste astu bhagavah . yaste sahastramhetayoanyamasmanni vapantu tah .52.O Wound averter, purple-hued, to thee be homage, holy Lord!May all those thousand darts of thine strike dead anotherone than us.
Sahastrani sahatraso bahotshav hetayah . tasamishano bhagavah parachina mukhah krishi .53.Thousands of thousands are the shafts, swords, the missiles readyin thy hands:Thou holy Lord, who hast the power, turn thou theirpoints away from us.
Asankhyata sahastrani ye rudraadhi bhumyam . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi. 54.O great lord keep your all small rudras from us away with arrows and bows in the earth .
Asmin mahatyarnaveantarikshe bhava adhi . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .55.O rudra, there are above us in this mighty billowy sea of air,Of all of these do we unbend .keep away all with bows and arrows .
Neelgravah shitkantha divam rudraupshritah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .56.Rudras are dwelling in the sky, whose necks are blue, whosethroats are white:Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Neelgravah shitkanthah sharvaadh kshamacharah .tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .57Sarvas haunt realms beneath the earth—their necks are blue,their throats are white:Of these, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye vraksheshu shashpinjara neelgreeva vilohitah . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .58.These, green like young grass, in the trees, with azure necksand purple hue,Of those, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye bhutanamdhipatayo vishikhashah kapardinah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .59.Those, ministering spirits’ lords, with no hair-tufts, withbraided locks,Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
Ye patham pathirakshayelbradaayuryudhah . . tesham sahastrayojneva dhanvani tanmasi .60.Those, the protectors of the paths, bringers of food, whofight for life. Of these, do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues awayfrom us.
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