Thursday, December 2, 2010


Vedas contain STRICT sermons at last, which have been developed by hindu scriptures as Vedanta . Rigveda says... Thou, mighty agni [fire ], gatherest up all that is precious for thy friend.Bring us all treasures as thou art enkindled in libation's place.Assemble, speak together: let your minds be all of one accord,As ancient Gods unanimous sit down to their appointed share. The place is common, common the assembly, common the mind, so be their thought united.A common purpose do I lay before you, and worship with your general devotion.One and the same be your resolve, and be your minds of one accord.United be the thoughts of all that all may happily agree. Samveda says... Thy vital parts I cover with thine armour: with immortality King Soma [ cool ] clothe thee!Varuna [ water ] give thee what is more than ample, and in thy victory may Gods be joyful! Blind, O my foemen, shall ye be, even as headless serpents areMay Indra [ demigod ] slay each best of you when Agni's flame hath struck you down!Whoso would kill us, whether he be a stranger foe or one of us,May all the Gods discomfit him! My nearest, closest mail is prayer, my closest armour and defence.
Like a dread wild beast roaming on the mountain thou hast approached us from the farthest distance.Whetting thy bolt and thy sharp blade, O Indra, crush thou the foe and scatter those who hate us! Gods, may our ears hear that which is auspicious, may our eyes see that which is good, ye holy!Extolling you with still strong limbs and bodies, may we attain the age by Gods appointed! Illustrious far and wide, may Indra bless us, may Pushan [ demigod ] bless us, master of all riches!May Tarkshya [ demigod ] with uninjured fellies bless us! Brihaspati [ demigod ] bestow on us his favour! Brihaspati bestow on us his favour!Yajurveda says.. My breath reach everlasting Air! In ashes let my body end.AUM! Mind, remember thou; remember thou my sphere;remember thou my deeds .
By goodly path lead us to riches, Agni, thou God whoknowest all our works and wisdom.Remove the sin that makes us stray and wander: mostample adoration will we bring thee. The Real's face is hidden by a vessel formed of golden light.The Spirit yonder in the Sun, the Spirit dwelling there am I.AUM! Heaven! Brahma!
Weakening of hinduism is the non following of Vedanta . Best example of Vedanta is explained in Ramcharitmanas by Tulasidasji in Sunderkand ....Although three days had elapsed, the crass ocean would not answer the Lordsprayer. Rama thereupon indignantly said, There can be no friendship withoutinspiring fear Lakshman, bring Me My bow and arrows; I will dry up the ocean with a fire arrowpresided over by the god of fire. Supplication before an idiot, friendship with a rogue,inculcating liberality on a born miser, talking wisdom to one steeped in worldliness,glorifying dispassion before a man of excessive greed, a lecture on mindcontrol to anirascible man and a discourse on the exploits of Hari to a libidinous person are asfutile as sowing seeds in a barren land. So saying, the Lord of the Raghus strung Hisbow and this stand (of the Lord) delighted Lakshmans heart. When the Lord fitted theterrible arrow to His bow, a blazing fire broke out in the heart of the ocean; the alligators,serpents and fishes felt distressed. When the god presiding over the ocean found thecreatures burning, he gave up his pride and, assuming the form of a Brahmina, camewith a gold plate filled with all kinds of jewels.Though one may take infinite pains in watering a plantain it will not bear fruit unlessit is hewed. Similarly, a vile fellowheeds no prayer but yields only when reprimanded.