Monday, May 24, 2010

Vedastras-the almighty brahman parmatma

This is the very common question , people ask , who is the Brahman almighty parmatma and how he performs with the creation ? The answer is that With hands and feet everywhere, with eyes, heads and mouths everywhere, with ears
everywhere, He exists in the worlds, enveloping all.
Shining by the functions of all the senses, yet without the senses; unattached, yet
supporting all; devoid of qualities, yet their experiencer,
Without and within (all) beings, the unmoving and also the moving; because of His
subtlety, unknowable; and near and far away is That.
And undivided, yet He exists as if divided in beings; He is to be known as the supporter
of beings; He devours and He generates also.
That, the Light of all lights, is beyond darkness; it is said to be knowledge, the Knowable
and the goal of knowledge, seated in the hearts of all.Also he is experienced as Some by meditation behold the Self in the Self by the Self, others by the Yoga of
knowledge, and others by the Yoga of action.
Others also, not knowing thus, worship, having heard of it from others; they, too, cross
beyond death, regarding what they have heard as the supreme refuge. His performance is divinely and humanly also . Who
can dare afford shelter to an enemy of almighty, a
mother becomes as terrible as death and a father assumes the role of the god of
death, ambrosia turns into venom and a friend becomes as hostile as a hundred enemies,
nay the whole world becomes
hotter than fire to him who is inimical to him. Also know what for he comes, by following which he
becomes able to kill the enemies of the noble people in the earth. The noble is one who thinks the sacred lore, however thoroughly studied, must be gone through over and over again;
a king, however well served, should never be depended upon; and a woman like the
scriptures and the king, even though you may cherish her in your bosom, is never
thoroughly mastered. Also there are three evils most formidable of all.lust, anger and greed. In an
instant they distract the mind of hermits who are the very repositories of wisdom. The
weapons of greed are desire and hypocrisy, of lust naught but woman; while anger.s
weapon is harsh speech: so declare the great sages after deep thoughts as Covered by dense lotus leaves the water could not be easily discerned, even as
the attributeless Brahman is not perceived when veiled by Ignorance. All the fish
that had their abode in the fathomless water of the lake were uniformly happy, even as
the virtuous ever pass their days peacefully.

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