Friday, February 20, 2015


Everybody has to pass thru three states ,sattvic , rajas and tamas  [ The three Gunas are present in all human beings. None is free from the operation of any one of the three qualities. They are not constant. Sometimes Sattwa predominates
and at other times Rajas or Tamas predominates. One should analyse and stand as a witness of these
three qualities. ]  . vedas were decoded to know what they say about material achievement and the knowledge about the creation .
Creator with gyanyoga , karmayoga and upasanayoga was adopted from Vedas  in Hinduism and well explained in gita .
Arjuna was confused to know about the yuddha  ,where it should be done for material achievement or not . lord krsn told , if thou wilt not fight in this righteous war, then, having abandoned thine duty and fame, thou shalt incur sin.
People, too, will recount thy everlasting dishonour; and to one who has been honoured, dishonour is worse than death.
The great car-warriors will think that thou hast withdrawn from the battle through fear; and thou wilt be lightly held by them who have thought much of thee.
Thy enemies also, cavilling at thy power, will speak many abusive words. What is more painful than this!
Slain, thou wilt obtain heaven; victorious, thou wilt enjoy the earth; therefore, stand up,O son of Kunti, resolved to fight!
Having made pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same, engage thou in battle for the sake of battle; thus thou shalt not incur sin.
This was the vedas gist which tells about material action .yo naḥ svo araṇo yaśca niṣṭyo jighāṃsati | 
devāstaṃsarve dhūrvantu brahma varma mamāntaram || 19/75/6mndlm rig
The Vedas deal with the three attributes (of Nature); be thou above these three attributes,O Arjuna! Free yourself from the pairs of opposites and ever remain in the quality of Sattwa (goodness), freed from the thought of acquisition and preservation, and be established in the Self.
This self is best explained in brahadaranyak as "Verily, not for the sake of the beings, my dear, are the beings loved, but they are loved for the sake of the self.
"Verily, not for the sake of the All, my dear, is the All loved, but it is loved for the sake of the self."Verily, my dear Maitreyi, it is the Self that should be realized—should be heard of, reflected on and meditated upon.By the realization of the Self, my dear—through hearing, reflection and meditation—all this is known, yagyavalka rishi told to his wife maitreyi . Lord krsna also told in gita as Far lower than theYoga of wisdom is action, O Arjuna! Seek thou refuge in wisdom;wretched are they whose motive is the fruit.
Spiritual wisdom is that which is free from all blemishes in the shape of pride etc and which sees the Supreme Spirit equally in all. He alone should be called a man of supreme
dispassion, who has spurned all supernatural powers as well as the three Gunas (of which
the universe is composed) as if of no more account than a blade of grass.That alone deserves to be called a Jiva (individual soul), which knows not maya nor God nor one.s own self. And pure soul [ second wing of twin bird ]  is He who awards bondage and liberation (according to one.s karmas), transcends all and is the controller of Maya …ramcharitmanas

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