Saturday, February 27, 2010

Male for Sale

Mahabharat war was over . Gandhari , wife of Dhratrashtra and mother of slain Duryodhana was weeping . Suddenly she raised her eyes to Krsn and pointing towards Arjun she cursed…Man I shall not spare you and you will certainly have to suffer . Trembling with fear of a mother Arjun lost in despondency . He saw in day dream as He was a happy married man with his wife and a child . The death snatched his wife and the child was orphan . His friends advised to marry again to look after his child . An woman with a good earning was ready to marry . Both husband and wife were busy with their jobs and were quite happy with the handsome amount they earned . One day one of the woman’s friend asked the lady , madam who looks after your child ? My child , but I have no any, replied the woman .Oh I meant your husband’s child , asked the friend . No problem my pet is there to look after . But that is a Dog I know . No that is a cat , the woman replied and laughed .The man heard and lamented…O god ..Am I married or sold ? And it was Arjun ,who was awake now , but for nothing except mourning for his dead son Abhimanyu .

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