Monday, November 15, 2010

vedastras plol-wednesday

Namo vanchate parivanchate stayunam pataye namo namo nishanginishudhimate taskaranam pataye namo namah srakayibhyo jigha sadbhayo mushntam pataye namo namosimadbhayo naktajwaradbhayo vikrantanam pataye namah .21.Homage to the rudra who keeps eyes on cheat, to the arch-deceiver, to the Lord ofstealers homage! Homage to the wearer of sword andquiver, to the Lord of robbers homage! Homage to theboltarmed homicides, to the Lord of pilferers homage!Homage to the sword-bearers, to those who roam at night,to the Lord of plunderers homage!
Nam ushnishine giricharay kulunchalam pataye namo namishumadbhayo dhanvaiibhyashcha vo namo namatanvanebhyah pratiddhanebhyashcha vo namo namayachchhbhadyo asyabhyadyascha vo namah .22.To the turban-wearing haunter of mountains, Lord , who has eyes onland-grabbers homage! Homage to you who bear arrowsand to you who carry bows. Homage to you with bentbows, and to you who adjust your arrows, to you whodraw the bow and to you who shoot be homage!
Namo visrajadbhayo vidhyadbhayashcha vo namo namah swapadbhayo jagradbhyashcha vo namo namah shayanebhya asinebhyashcha vo namo namastithdbhayo dhavadbhayashcha vo namah .23.Homage to you lord rudra who controls let fly and to you who pierce, homageto you who sleep and to you who wake, homage to youwho lie and to you who sit, homage to you who standand to you who run.
Namah sabhabhyah sabhapatibhyashcha vo namo namoashvebhyo ashvapatibhyashcha vo namo namabyadhinibhyo vividdhyantibhyashcha vo namo namuganabhyastramhratibhyashcha von amah .24.Homage to assemblies and to you lord rudra of lords of assemblies,homage to horses and to you masters of horses, homage toyou hosts that wound and pierce, to you destructivearmies with excellent bands be homage.
Namo ganebhyo ganapatibhyashcha vo namo namo vratebhyo vratpatibhyashcha vo namo namo gratsebhyo gratpatibhyashcha vo namo namo virupebhyo virupebhyashcha vo namah .25.Homage to the troops and to you rudra, lords of troops be homage.Homage to the companies and to you lords of companies, homage.Homage to sharpers and to you lords of sharpers, homage.Homage to you the deformed, and to you who wear all forms, homage!
Namah senabhyah senanibhyashcha vo namo namo rathibhyo arthebhyashcha vo namo namah kshatrabhyah sandrahitrabhyashcha vo namo namo mahadbhayo arbhkebhyashcha vo namah .26.Homage to armies and to you rudra, the leaders of armies, homage.Homage to you car-borne and to you who are carless, homage.Homage to the charioteers and to you drivers of horses, homage.Homage to you the great and to you the small, homage.
Namastkshabhyo rathkarebhyashcha vo namo namah kulalebhyah karmarebhyashcha vo namo namo nishadebhyah punjeshthebhyashcha vo namo namah shwanibhyo mrigyubhyshcha von amah .27.Homage to you, lord rudra of carpenters, and to you chariot-makers homage.Homage to you potters and to you blacksmiths, homage.Homage to you Nishâdas and to you Puñjishthas, homage.Homage to you dog-leaders, and to you hunters, homage.
Namah shwabhyah shwapatibhyashcha vo namo namo bhavay cha rudray cha namah sharvay cha pashupataye cha namo neelgreevay cha shitikanthay cha . 28.Homage to the lord inside as soul of dogs, and to you masters of dogs, homage.Homage to soul in creatures, and to Rudra homage, homage to all souls as you lordand to lord soul inside the animals, and to blue neck lord, cool headed, homage.
Namah kapardine cha vyuptkeshay cha namah sahastrakshay cha shatdhanvane cha namo girishayay cha shipivishtay cha namo midhushtamay teshumate cha .29.Homage to him with braided hair and to him with shavenhair, homage! homage to the thousand-eyed and to himwith a hundred bows, homage!To the mountain-haunter who is as vishnu in all creatures and to all who feeds as clouds of water, homage!To the most bountiful, armed with arrows, homage!
Nano hrashvay cha vamanay cha namo brahate cha varshiyase cha namo vraddhay cha savradhe cha namo agryay cha prathmay cha .30.Homage to the short, and to the dwarf, homage, homage tothe great and to the adult, homage! Homage to the full-grownand to the growing, to the foremost and to the firstbe homage to lord rudra .

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